bALI yttc

Rules & Regulation

  • All classes are important for your growth, and we kindly request your attendance.
  • Please arrive at least 10 minutes early to settle in. If you’re running late, politely ask the teacher if you may join.
  • During meditation, let’s embrace silence to cultivate mindfulness. If you have a question, please wait until the teacher has finished sharing.
  • For your well-being, we recommend consulting your healthcare provider before joining our courses.
  • Please inform our teachers if you have any injuries or take medication, so we can support you better.
  • Your safety and happiness are our priorities. While we strive to assist, we kindly remind you that we cannot be held responsible for every circumstance.
  • For your convenience, we will arrange your accommodations. However, we appreciate your understanding if last-minute changes are not possible.
  • Early bookings may be eligible for discounts. Additional discounts are at our discretion and offered with care.
  • To receive a certificate, we kindly ask for consistent attendance, punctuality, respectful conduct, diligent effort, and satisfactory performance. Failing to meet these requirements may result in withholding the certificate.
  • For the well-being of our community, the use of drugs, alcohol, or smoking is prohibited during our courses. Violations may lead to dismissal without refund.
  • If you encounter any difficulties, please share them with us instead of resorting to conflict. We are here to support you, and we expect respectful behavior toward everyone.
  • Our teachers are exceptional, but circumstances may necessitate changes. Rest assured, we will always provide experienced and excellent instructors for your learning journey.
  • If you encounter any difficulties, please share them with us instead of resorting to conflict. We are here to support you, and we expect respectful behavior toward everyone.