
100 hour yoga TTC CURRICULUM

Foundations of Yoga Practice

Introduction to Yoga Philosophy and History

  • Understanding the philosophical underpinnings of yoga, including the Yamas and Niyamas (ethical guidelines) and an overview of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
  • Exploring the historical development of yoga, tracing its evolution from ancient to modern times.
  • Eight Limbs of Yoga and their practical application in daily life and yoga practice during 100 hour Yoga TTC in Bali.

Fundamentals of Asana Practice 

  • Learning the basic yoga postures (Asanas) and their alignment principles to ensure safety and effectiveness in practice.
  • Exploring introductory breathing techniques (Pranayama) and their role in enhancing vitality and mental clarity.
  • Introduction to Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) as a foundational sequence in yoga practice.

Teaching Methodology Basics

  • Understanding the fundamentals of teaching yoga, including sequencing, cueing, and creating a safe and supportive class environment.
  • Practicing basic hands-on adjustments and modifications to accommodate different body types and abilities.
  • Developing effective communication skills for guiding students through yoga practice and offering clear instructions.

Deepening Practice and Teaching Skills

  • Day 8-10: Anatomy and Physiology in Yoga

    • Exploring the anatomical principles relevant to yoga practice, including the skeletal, muscular, and respiratory systems.
    • Understanding common injuries in yoga and strategies for injury prevention through proper alignment and sequencing.
    • Introduction to energy anatomy, including an overview of Chakras and Nadis, and their significance in yoga practice.

    Day 11-12: Meditation and Mindfulness Practices

    • Learning various meditation techniques and mindfulness practices to cultivate inner peace, focus, and self-awareness.
    • Understanding the benefits of meditation for mental and emotional well-being, stress reduction, and personal growth.
    • Incorporating mindfulness techniques into daily life to enhance overall well-being and resilience.