11 Benefits of Headstand, Precautions, How to do it and Modification

11 Benefits of Headstand, Precautions, How to do it and Modification

Headstand, known in Sanskrit as Sirsasana, is an iconic and advanced yoga posture that is often referred to as the “king of asanas” or the “royal pose.” In this inversion, the practitioner balances the entire body on the crown of the head, with the forearms and hands providing support and stability. This posture quite literally…

Seated Forward Bend : How to do it, Benefits, Modifications

Seated Forward Bend : How to do it, Benefits, Modifications

The Seated Forward Bend, known as Paschimottanasana in Sanskrit, is a important forward-bending asana in yoga. It is a simple yet profoundly effective posture that offers a deep stretch to the entire backside of the body. The Seated Forward Bend is a posture that demands flexibility, particularly in the hamstrings, calves, and lower back. As…